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Non-ship Products
Yangpu Bridge
Hydrogen peroxide project
    The company mainly undertakes the construction of ultra high-rise buildings, large bridges, gas tanks and metallic structures. It has constructed steel structures of the 56-floored Capital Mansion with 207.26m in total height, which broke the monopoly of foreign-funded enterprises in the domestic market. Following that, the company has constructed the world-famous Shanghai International Trade Center, Shanghai Stock Exchange Building, Shanghai Hong Kong New World Tower and full-steel structured Daqing TV Tower with 258m in height. The company enjoys a good fame of main force in the construction of steel-structured bridges as it has constructed three bridges across the Huangpu River, namely, the Nanpu Bridge, Yangpu Bridge and Xupu Bridge. Besides, the company has constructed over 90 set of dry type gas tanks with a volume ranging from 10,000-cbm to 300,000-cbm spreading over more than 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.
    The company has, in the past five years, undertaken the construction of high-rise buildings of Shanghai LuxChina Building and Hanger of China Eastern Airlines, the steel bridge structures of No. 7 and No. 8 tenders for elevated highway on Longyang Road, No. 1 tender of Shanghai Hongqiao Hub, Shanghai Lianggang Road, mechanical equipment of bearing base of Zinc galvanized furnace shell, 180t refining furnace, mining equipment of material accumulation and taking machine and a variety of lifting equipment.
Nanpu Bridge
Large type dry gas tanks
Steel structures of Shanghai Stock Exchange Building 
Steel structures of Capital Mansion
Shanghai Futures Tower
Steel structures of antenna mast of Oriental Pearl TV Tower
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亚搏体育官网app下载中华造船(集团)有限公司 版权所有
Address:内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔新区智能制造产业园E1楼309.313.319室  Zip:200129
Phone:021-58713222  Fax:021-58712603
E-mail:hzgroup@shcei.com.cn   BMD@hz-shipgroup.com
Recruitment email:hrdept_hz@yahoo.com.cn    

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