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174,000m3 LNG carrier CESI BEIHAI delivered

  The 174,000 m3 LNG carrier CESI BEIHAI built by H&Z was delivered on June 1. As the latest of such kind of carriers, it will make greater contribution for China to introduce more green energy. 
  Godmother Liu Shan christened the ship and named it as CESI BEIHAI. Sun Yunfei, Vice General Director of CSSC, Chen Jianliang, H&Z CPC Party Committee Secretary and Board Chairman of H&Z, Huang Yiping, Executive Vice President of H&Z and other distinguished gussets from shipowner, classification societies and site supervision team totaling over 100 attended the delivery ceremony. Chi Benbin, Vice President of H&Z, signed the delivery documents.
  Classed by Lloyd’s Register and China Classification Society, CESI BEIHAI measures an overall length of 290m, molded breadth of 45.6m, design draught of 11.7m. The carrier is of electrical propulsion type, featuring strong propulsion capability, good maneuvering performance at various speed segments and high safety and reliability.
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