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14,500TEUcontainership delivered

  COSCO Shipping Himalayas, the first of the series of 14,500TEU containerships built by H&Z, was delivered to the shipowner on July 25. Construction and management capability of the containerships of H&Z upgraded to a higher level, the shipowner added.
  Containerships see global trend of going larger against the backdrop of sluggish world economy and acute crisis of making profits, which force shipping lines to continuously slash cost and improve efficiency. Going larger of constainerships can gain dual benefits of scale economy and lower fuel cost; this is the major reason behind the wave of containership becoming ever larger over the recent years.
   The 14,500TEU containership is new generation containership self developed and designed by H&Z, to win orders in fierce market competition, one must offer more efficient design, more energy efficient and more environmental friendly products. H&Z optimized the design plan within the shortest period of time, made breakthroughs in terms of low fuel consumption at low service speed, ship form and hull lines, carrying capacity to meet the requirements of ship owner, remarkable fast speed feature, together with all of above efforts, contributed to the satisfaction of shipowner to place the order.
  Director of DNV GL Southern China, Xu Li, General Manager of CCS Shanghai Branch, Chi Benbin, Vice President of H&Z, Hu Hongyu, Vice General Manager of Changxing Shipyard and so on all attended the delivery ceremony.
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