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H&Z bagged biggest domestic containership orders

On September 19th , H&Z, Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, CSTC and French Line CMA CGM signed a contract to build nine 22,000TEU ultra large containerships, smashing global containership construction record.
H&Z is the shipbuilder featuring widest product variety, biggest number of high end products, strongest construction prowess in terms of merchant ship construction, created many No.1s in shipbuilding industry of China and even in world shipbuilding stage, H&Z is the first shipbuilding enterprise to win the China Industry Major Award. With successful construction of the LNG carriers, 45,000DWT ConRos, 38,000DWT stainless chemical tankers, brands effect of H&Z become even more prominent, it has become the quality shipbuilder favored by world shipping giants.
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