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H&Z delivered LNG carrier PAN AISA

On September 15th, H&Z delivered LNG carrier PAN AISA, the owner spoke highly of the ship during the naming ceremony and said that H&Z made another contribution for implementation of china’s energy strategy.
With a series of four ships, PAN ASIA was started in April, 2015, it integrated current highest shipbuilding technology fruit in China, featuring two shafting system oblique arrangement, a series of innovative design conception of short bulbous bow, low revolution speed, two stern lines optimization, full gas mode and etc. the applied combination of dual fuel electric propulsion system and reliquefaction unit is the first time used in the 170,000m3 class LNG carrier in the world; optimum treatment of boil –off gas from the cargo tanks and decrease of cargo loss rate  provided shipowner with fairly flexible low consumption transport method, enhanced competitiveness of the shipping companies.
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