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Equipment facilities

    This Company is furnished with one (1) large dry dock of 360m×92m, equipped with two (2) gantry cranes of 700t lifting capacity, one (1) slipway of 120,000-dwt class, one (1) slipway of 80,000-dwt class, two (2) slipways of up to 20,000-dwt class and other equipment and facilities of currently advanced level in the world, such as single jib oil press, three star plate rolling machine, seven star plate straightener, 600t frame cold bending machine, dehumidifier for LNG carriers, NC laser cutting machine, NC plasma cutting machine, NC miller, large cranes of bridge, portal or pedestal types, large cold processing equipment, production equipment for LNG carrier insulation boxes and cargo tanks, large hydraulic platform trucks, overhead cranes, NC profiles cutting line, hull panel and curved block production lines, wooden box assembly and perlite filling flow lines, steel plate prefabrication line and etc.
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亚搏体育官网app下载中华造船(集团)有限公司 版权所有
Address:内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔新区智能制造产业园E1楼309.313.319室  Zip:200129
Phone:021-58713222  Fax:021-58712603
E-mail:hzgroup@shcei.com.cn   BMD@hz-shipgroup.com
Recruitment email:hrdept_hz@yahoo.com.cn    

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