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Quality system

  H&Z quality policy: develop and design energy efficient and eco-friendly high-end products, with earnest construction and quality services, provide customers with first rate ships built to international standards, continuously satisfy demands of customers.
    Quality management system for merchant products of this Company passed certification by ABS QE on the basis of ISO9001:1994 standard in May 1997, passed standard update audit by ABS QE on the basis of ISO9001:2000 in Dec. 2002, and passed standard update audit by ABS QE on the basis of ISO9001:2008 in Apr. 2010; for military products, this Company passed certification by New Times Certification Center on the basis of GJB9001A-2001 standard in Apr. 2002, passed standard update audit by New Times Certification Center on the basis of GJB9001B-2009 in Dec. 2011. This Company’s quality management system for both merchant products and military products have all passed annual supervision review and certificate update audit in accordance with currently effective standards. Quality management system always centers on quality policy and objective, implements eight principles for quality management, conducts precise management, sticks to the principle of customer focus, adheres to management and technology innovation as well as continuous improvement and effective running. This Company has no poor records in terms of quality credit standing and corporate social responsibility, enjoys relatively high reputation for quality, has won credentials related to quality management many a time. From 2001 to 2011, this Company had been awarded the title of Excellent Enterprise of Shanghai for QC Team Activities for nine times, granted the title of National Excellent Enterprise for QC Team Activities for eight times. This Company was awarded the title of National Advanced Enterprise for Quality Performance in 2003; was awarded Exemplary Unit for Military Quality Culture Construction in 2007; this Company won a special prize for the 30th anniversary of the National and Shanghai QC Team Activities in 2008. Two quality management technical projects of this Company - Shipbuilding Quality Assessment System and Method Research, Application of FMECA Technology to Anti-corrosion and Anti-leakage of Ships have won respectively the second and third prize of 2009 Quality Technology Award by China Quality Association at the 2009 National Quality Technology Award Conference & 7th National Six Sigma Conference. In 2007, this Company won the title of First Batch of Exemplary Unit of Military Quality Culture issued by National Defense Industry of Science and Technology Commission. At the 2nd National Quality Culture Construction Forum held on Sept. 10th, 2009, this Company won the title of Exemplary Unit of National Quality Culture Construction and etc. At the Quality Innovation Forum of 14th China International Industry Fair held during the period of Nov. 6~7, 2012, the project presented by this Company - Practical Experience for Construction of Trustworthy Working Teams won the title of 2012 Shanghai Quality Pacesetter.


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